Steps to Becoming a Massage Therapist

You drove by a massage therapy school and felt that ache inside of you to make the change in your career.

You received a massage at a spa and thought the entire time about how amazing it would be to have their job.

Your friend or family member is a massage therapist and they seem really happy and seem to have a much better life than you.

Whether any of the above apply to the reason why you are interested in learning the steps to becoming a massage therapist, or whether there is an entirely different reason motivating you, the end result is the same. You are feeling like you may be ready to take the plunge and begin changing your life and your career path.

How can I get started in the field of massage?

If you know someone who is already a massage therapist, ask them every question you can think of. Find out exactly what they did to get started and figure out how you can follow in their footsteps.

One admonition many successful people follow in life is to search for that someone who has what you want and then imitate their actions so you can become successful too.

However, here you can read some basic steps to starting your journey toward becoming a massage therapist.

  • Do your research – Search Google for Massage Schools, Ask people about massage schools they have attended or know about, Read a book about what massage therapy is all about.
  • Contact a massage therapy school. The experts in how to become a massage therapist and what steps you will need to take are located at massage schools. They teach people everyday about what steps they need to take in order to start into the profession of massage therapy.
  • Start the application process. Take the leap beyond research, beyond thinking, dreaming, and considering, and fill out an application to begin taking massage therapy courses. If you’ve already found the school you know can fit your schedule and financial needs, then it’s time to walk the walk and get started today!