Everyone thinks about learning hands-on massage techniques when they think about going to school and training to become a massage therapist. The hands-on aspect of learning massage therapy is of course extremely important! However, it turns out that there is also a lot of detailed information you will have to study when you are training… Continue reading Professional Ethics in Massage Therapy
Category: Massage Education
What is the Study of Human Pathology?
It’s an exciting time and there is so much to learn when you decide you want to begin schooling to become a massage therapist! As part of your massage school training, you may receive a number of hours of training in the study of human pathology. What is human pathology? The definition of pathology is… Continue reading What is the Study of Human Pathology?
How to Study Effectively
It doesn’t matter what class or course you are taking. Learning how to study effectively is important for helping you with any schooling you intend to take in order for you to get the most out of it, to feel less anxiety during the process of training, and to be more successful in completing your… Continue reading How to Study Effectively
What is Physiology
As you research or are told about the different things you are going to learn as part of a massage therapy school training program, physiology is a term you may likely hear or read about. What is physiology?
Use of External Agents in Massage Therapy
You are going to learn a lot of different things when you begin studying to become a massage therapist. One important part of those studies will be learning about the use of external agents in massage therapy. What are External Agents in Massage Therapy? Beyond just the use of your hands and the power of… Continue reading Use of External Agents in Massage Therapy
What is Research Literacy
If you are reviewing different courses for massage therapy, you might end up seeing the term ‘Research Literacy’. Research literacy is basically what it sounds like – It’s about having research skills – Being able to research information about massage therapy and the critical thinking skills to evaluate the information discovered during the research process.… Continue reading What is Research Literacy